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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lessons on the Road

Just walked in the door from a 4-5 mile run at 3:30 in the morning and I've come to the conclusion that some people never change, let me rephrase that, most people never change. It's a part of their nature. For some people it's their personality and that will change very little through life, and for another group of people it's maturity. If you aren't changing maturity wise then there's probably and issue, and you will keep having reoccurring cycles in your life. I speak this as much for myself as anyone else. Just what's on my mind after a defrag run. Now time for a shower and bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is true man. I think the common denominator with these people that 'mature' is that they are actually open to change and want to better themselves. Other people are content with who they are and where they're at. If you're perfect, that is fine, but none of us are, so...


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