Have you ever wondered why some people seem to “make it big” in life while others just get by? Sure, maybe they just caught a lucky break. While this could be a great explanation chances are it’s not accurate. Most successful people had to learn to live proactively instead of reactively. Think about it for a minute, do you think Donald Trump sat back and said “One day I’ll catch my break” or did Michael Jordan sit around and just become “Air Jordan?”
I would submit to you that greatness has to be formed. I once heard a wise man say “greatness comes from definition.” My question to you is if some of the world’s most successful people had to be proactive in going for their dreams why would it be any different for you and me? Over the past few years I had been wondering when I was going to “catch my break” and why it hadn’t happened yet; and then it hit me, I wasn’t being proactive. I had been waiting on life to just “happen” this whole time, meanwhile opportunities were passing me by left and right. It was all I could do to keep up with life, meaning I was reacting to everything that was going on. My spiritual father has told me many times that opportunities are never postponed...instead they are lost forever. It wasn’t until I got a real revelation of the importance of being proactive that I started to live proactively and take advantage of the opportunities that life presented.
Did you realize that as Christians we’re called to set the atmosphere and not be ruled by it? So what are you saying Jameson? I’m glad you asked! I’m saying that by living proactively I can cut out a lot of stress that is associated with deadlines or tight spots. Think about it, how many of us have stayed up till 4 am working on a project that just has to get done? I know I have, it’s what I’m currently doing. So instead of being stressed out with a getting a project to the printer I could be in bed getting much needed rest just by having been proactive on this project. Did I know it was coming? Yes. I must say initially I thought I had one more week, but that’s no excuse.
The point I want to make to you is that by living proactively you don’t have to let your circumstances rule you! Instead live proactively! Take life head on and go after your dreams. Think about where you want to be in one to five years from now. Got it? Okay, now think of what’s keeping you from your dreams. Solution…MAKE A MOVE! The details will come when you start; you don’t get the whole plan before you begin. You must first begin! As I conclude I would like you to remember three keys to living proactively:
1.) Don’t focus on the disadvantages
2.) Quit making excuses
3.) Take the initiative!
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