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Monday, November 9, 2009

Price of Your Life

It’s funny as I sit here in Washington Dulles I’m beginning to feel more challenged than I remember in recent memory. Looking back on the last 7 days I can see the many different ways God has been speaking to me, through books, prayer, and life experiences. My current way of doing life will just not cut it for where I believe God is trying to take me and the calling on my life. There’s this misconception in life that I have heard countless times over; it goes something like this, “just roll with the punches and whatever happens deal with it on the fly.” Now to some extent I agree with this, you can’t always foresee all the situations that will occur in your lifetime. In my opinion my generation has been to content to just go through life being unintentional. In generations past your direction in life was somewhat determined by your family and the family business; you would follow in the footsteps of those before you. There is nothing wrong with this; however, there is a genuine longing for something new, something unseen, and something that will leave a mark.

I have no idea exactly what I would like to do with my life, but I know that I want to leave a mark on this place before I depart. I have come to the conclusion that I will not get sidetracked by money or chasing after success. Now I know what you’re thinking, I’m not saying I will not be successful or have money. Quite frankly I believe that I will be very successful, have more than enough money to pursue all my dreams and supply for my family. We have one shot at this thing called life; there are no mulligans in real life. What benefit would playing it safe be; where’s the adventure? I would rather have the regret of failure than the regret of inaction.

So I ask, what are you dreams worth? If there’s something that the baby boomers have taught us it would be that a house on the lake, another car, and a lavish lifestyle doesn’t satisfy all your desires. God gave us the desire to make an impact, and there is no substitution for that. Put up the Sam’s Cola and get out the Coca-Cola. If you ask me, I say put it all on the line for the dream, you can get more money, but you can’t get more time. Where are you placing worth?

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