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Friday, December 11, 2009

Friends...who are they?

I’ve been rather quite the past few weeks, having many things on my heart that I felt were all good enough to put into words but just didn’t take the time to. I guess it was more some personal processing than anything else. Tonight however there’s just something kind of reoccurring going through this old heart. That is true friendships. Before I think about tackling this let me just say that I try to be decent to everyone. That being said, do you have any true friends?

This was something I recently asked myself, because I realized that some of the people who said they were there for me or wanted to be in my life were just giving me lip service. Does that make them bad people? No way, of course not, it simply means that I wouldn’t consider them a friend but more of an acquaintance. We all have many acquaintances, but few friends. I’m beginning to find the people once again who are with me and for me all the time, not just when everything is going great or when it all falls apart. Lets put it out there people are fickle, there’s no need to question that. Don’t let that stop you from opening up, just be careful to the point that you open up to them. The best lesson I’ve learned in relationships is that everyone and I mean EVERYONE has motives. Some are good, some are bad, some are selfish, some are pure, but everyone has them. Discern motives quick, and evaluate the level of relationship that person can be. You probably don’t want to be taking life advice from someone who has no interest in your future and is just after a friendship with you because of what it means for them. Be your own person, not someone else’s puppet.

Having said this, I have no idea the point I’m trying to make. Sure, have healthy relationships in your life and exercise wisdom in all relationships. More than that I think I’m trying to say I’ve lost some amazing friends, even best friends, over stupid stuff. Over stuff that didn’t matter then and really doesn’t matter now. How long will I let pride keep me from having those friends back in my life? I think that’s a question we all need to ask ourselves from time to time. Maybe it’s time for a life check or reevaluation.

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